Let’s Transform Your Business With The Internet Of Things (IOT)

Mawaiz Khan
07 Dec 2022
Internet of Things

Be it is a small business or a larger firm, the Internet of Things helps you transformed your business effectively. Just think of the years coming ahead – when there will be 41.5 billion IoT connected devices generating zettabytes of data. Amazing – right?

So, how do you want to get into it? What plans you made so far to embrace this technology?

In this article, I will highlight 5 key things or ideas IoT can transform your business efficiently.

Market strategizing – does IoT help with?

Certainly – it does when you think from a big picture perspective. The brand management companies as well as the modern software houses have started connecting the dots between marketing strategy and the Internet of Things (IoT). The sources say that the IoT connected userbase can reach up to 75 billion by the year 2025 – and 5 years from now – it will open new avenues for the marketing industry to engage with their potential customers and understand their preferences.


The numbers, of course, would help marketers build a comprehensive marketing strategy to meet customers’ needs with less effort – and in less time. Interesting?

With the increased IoT userbase, the businesses are making the best of it – from obtaining a 360-degree view to enhancing customers’ preferences as well as building campaigns. If you want to be among those who have excelled in bringing big technology changes to boost their marketing strategy – reading article this will help you craft a better marketing strategy for your existing or upcoming business. 

It helps improve customer experience after you calculated your customer satisfaction rate – and you found results far less than your expectation.

So, your next goal is to improve it by accepting IoT technology and saying bye-bye to the outdated method of conducting customers' feedback on your products and services. Let’s improve your customer experience with these 3 IoT ways…    

To carefully monitor the problems faced by the client, the first thing is to facilitate your customer support team with enhanced tools and technology. Here the Internet of Things comes in place to resolve and address clients’ issues quickly and effectively.

Secondly, chatbot along with artificial intelligence and IoT offers products and service owners a golden opportunity to enhance customer experience more effectively. The good thing about chatbots is that the customer support team can use mobile apps, websites, messaging applications to interact with customers in their natural language. Set up your IoT environment in a way that helps data sharing – as long as you and your customer are willing to do so. The data sharing numbers look between 80-82% from different enterprises by having IoT technology solutions in place with their customers as well as employees. 

Efficiency, Productivity & Accessibility Offices are now replacing water coolers and stereotypical cubicles with the modern workplace. And are maximizing their productivity and efficiency.  You, as a business owner, will think about fostering greater efficiency and productivity. You are not alone in this regard. Around 37% of executives are in demand of implementing IoT platform to transform their business and then increase working efficiency. For example, you might have heard about the smart desk offers. This technology has replaced the conventional ways of doing work with the latest trends in doing things. Ultimately, this has witnessed significant growth.

Founding New Business Lines The Internet of Things (IoT) has made it easy for company owners not only to develop their products and services but also to monitor their performance effectively. Predictive algorithm maintenance has played an excellent role in the platform of IoT – which is safeguarding and addressing security concerns. In present-day customers’ value-added services and engagement – the Internet of Things (IoT) has introduced new paths of innovation. This is further helping transfer the IoT data across many organizations. Businesses across the globe are seeking new ventures to develop and boost their existing system by bringing in place an effective IoT platform. From tracking assets to trace – and from maintenance to monitoring of products and services – the Internet of Things (IoT) has brought about revolutionary changes. For example, in the production line industry – the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is touching the new horizon of success. In the manufacturing industry, to make the process smooth and gentle, the sensors are placed in the assembly lines and production systems – which help managers to monitor workflow and performance. 4.  Let’s consider IoT for Recruitment and Hiring Process Today’s internet users are doing more than playing games, doing shopping, and chatting online with their friends on social media. 59% of active users are seeking new behaviors to work with. So, Human resources and hiring managers now should realize how important it is to implement IoT devices to strengthen the hiring process. Think about the target devices they are using – and then work on the connectivity – and know their daily behaviors. Whether are applying to the job you posted – or they are updating their resume, etc. having Data access in the future will be far easier than it is now. You can use the Internet of Things (IoT) to target the best candidates for any job by transforming and programing your existed or new technology. This is how digital recruitment comes into place. Wrapping up! In the future, 80% of businesses will be using The Internet of Things (IoT) to accelerate their marketing strategy, business development, hiring and recruitment, and forming and laying down new business lines. Thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT) that has helped – and helping products and services organizations to replace conventional ways of measuring productivity and efficiency with modern and innovative IoT solutions. You will be communicating with your customers more effectively – and 60% faster. The Internet of Things (IoT) is leaving no stone unturned in bringing in business the latest technology trends.